Being that this was a mild winter, my girls have grown very fond of playing outside. They have spent hours on end playing outside with several other kids in the neighborhood. And this mom could not be happier about this. I snapped a picture of the first semi warm/pretty day back in February. The girls wanted to have a picnic outside. So they made their own food and picked it up and took it outside. The neighbor decided to join in as well.

This year the girls wanted to learn how to ice skate. Every year we go to my sister's in Arkansas and we get to ice skate on the outdoor skating rink. It is almost like something you see in the movies. Christmas music is playing, hot chocolate is being passed around, a Christmas movie is being played to the side.....It really is fun. So instead of playing a spring sport, they are taking ice skating lessons at the Pelham Civic Complex. They are doing so good. They started at Basic 1 and are now both in Basic 3. Mallory is about to move up to Basic 4. They are having a lot of fun and might be able to compete in small competitions if they stick with it.
We also celebrated Morgan's 6th Birthday party at the skating rink. I cannot believe she turned 6 back in February. This year we did a party with friends since it was her first year in K-5 and she had met all new people and friends. So much fun!

/> This was completely her choice.
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