Towards the end of March Tre and I were able to take a small little weekend trip. We will be married 9 years next week on May 15th. I cannot really believe it but its true. Its been a crazy ride. In almost 9 years of marriage we have never taken a trip together. We did not even take a honeymoon. So to say this was needed is a big understatement. We were not really sure what all we were doing but we knew we were spending Saturday night in ATL.
We left for Atlanta Saturday morning and stayed the night. Our goal: DO NOT EAT AT ANY CHAIN RESTAURANTS. We were looking at places that you have seen on all those crazy TV shows. We downloaded an intesting app to help us choose where we would eat. It came in very handy. We wanted to eat at the hole in the wall places. Nothing fancy, just good food. So we went to The Diesel Station in Atlanta for a late lunch . Yummo burgers and hot dogs wrapped in bacon. Tre was in heaven. Then on to the Masquerade for a concert that Tre was covering. Yes we had press passes, which was cool, but I could have done w/o this part of the trip. I did it solely for him. On Sunday morning we headed out early and took off to Savannah, GA. I was pleasantly surprised. It only took about 3 1/2 hours from ATL. But you have a really long stretch of NOTHING. We were able to talk without the interuption of kids (unheard of) and just relax and listen to music. It was really fun and the more I talk about it, the more I want to do it again. I really enjoyed being with him and just laughing at him again. That really has been missing from our relationship lately.
So Savannah,GA, what can I say except I absolutely LOVED THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such Southern Colonial Charm and lots of history. Due to the short trip we did not get to do a lot of the stuff we wanted to do but we do intend to go back with the girls and take some tours. Then possibly head up to Charleston. I do not have all the pictures that I took but we were able to get a hotel right on the River Walk for $89 through Priceline. I was very hesitant about doing priceline but it paid off this time. It was a very nice hotel! We immediately went to this hole in the wall pizza place called Vinnie Van Go's. The pizza was huge,we were starving,& it was only $10 for a large pizza. And let me tell you, it was so good.

We walked around town and went sight seeing. The place was just so much fun and the park was gorgeous!

I loved the River Walk. Tons of artist, musicians, restaurants, cool shops, and beautiful scenerey.
We enjoyed dinner at a local seafood restaurant. Their fried green tomatoes were so yummy! Next was the candy shop. They had the old fashion taffy puller and fresh caramel popcorn. Yummo! Tre has been to Savannah before but this was my first time. He always talked about this Irish Pub and could not wait to go back. So we went there later on that night for some entertaining irish jigs/poems and maybe a toast or two. :)
Monday morning we checked out early and drove to Tybee Island for breakfast at a local joint. It was pretty cold due to the wind blowing so the beach was not the best place to be. We walked out on it and immediately ran back. The wind was insane. So we drove around to find the lighthouse. I loved laid back.

You really could not get out of your car due to the sharp, cold, brisk wind. And no I was not climbing up those steps. They say its pretty intense.
That was it....short and sweet. Oh, we stopped in to Mary Mac's Tea room in Atlanta for lunch. Let me just say, it was delicious. A great little southern place to eat. We received Complimentary Pot Licker since it was our first time( I was surprised how good it was), took down meat and 3 for lunch and followed it up with delicious peanut butter pie for desert. Let's just say we were a little sleepy driving home. It was a great trip and I cannot wait do it again. Hopefully, it will not be another 9 years. I really dont think that will be the case. We have vowed to start enjoying each other a little more. The girls are getting a little bit older and spending the night with grandparents and soon it will be friends. Our marriage comes first. Well God comes first, then our marriage. I think so many people have that our of balance and they would be amazed where they would be if they fixed that. We still have a goal of a big honeymoon. Maybe for our 10th or 15th Anniversary. That is not far away and the girls will be 13 and 11. That is CRAZY thinking!!! I think we are bothing thinking about fun.
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