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What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn't work. So I quit being a "law man" so that I could be God's man. Christ's life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not "mine," but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galations 2:19-20

Monday, December 20, 2010


If we were in a world full of righteous and unselfish humans, I would not have anything to post about. Since we are only humans and are wants tend to be greater then our needs, here is my Christmas list:

1. There was this little baby boy that I met the other day...he was only 6 days old. He is in foster care and his mother is in the system trying to recover from drugs. I hope she finds God and realizes what real love is all about... and her heart longs for this baby as much as mine did. I just wanted to take him home with me and love him forever!

2. I want a DSLR camera...(I did have to list at least 1 material item). My camera is broke thanks to my 3 yr old and I figured if we were getting another camera it was going to be "THE ONE."

Well, that's it....I would love money to shop for things for the house because I finally know how I want to decorate. But honestly, besides the camera, I really dont want or need anything. It is a very strange feeling because I am usually a lot more selfish. I love getting new outfits,shoes, jewelry, ect....but this year, I just don't seem to want quite as much. Yes, the camera is quite a purchase considering the cost of it but I figure with 2 young kiddos and a broke camera, it was a good investment. Besides, I love taking pictures and moms have to have hobbies too!

As for the past few months.....
We have been crazy busy with school functions and parties. Mallory turned 6 in October and has her first loose tooth. She is so excited. For awhile she was getting very anxious about it and just knew it would never happen. But we talked about it and learned how to be patient. As soon as she forgot about it,it finally happened. Lord help me when she gets to that certain age when other things start happen for other girls and not her............... Mallory is loving 1st grade and is so smart. She has 100 in almost every subject & nothing below a 95 the rest of them. We are so proud of her. She is spelling like a champ and her reading ability is stunning. Her words flow beautifully and she is pronouncing some pretty huge words. She has always been one for words and has spoke very eloquently.

Morgan recently had a 2nd set of tubes placed in her ears along with her adenoids removed. Since then her behavior has improved so much more & she isn't quite as ill. This has been a huge help to me since Tre is working non stop. She is a very funny little girl with the best personality. She is stubborn and strong willed but you never know what is going to come out of her mouth. She calls Vaseline, booty-b-line. We went to my sisters for Thanksgiving and Morgan was having a little too much fun with the sugar cookies and icing (right after bath time). My mom called, "DANA!" I immediately went into the kitchen to see Mo-Mo holding up her hands covered in icing and sprinkles. Morgan looked at me and with a very sassy voice and look said, "GET YOUR DAUGHTER!" I couldn't help but laugh. Seriously, I could go on forever for Mo Mo Moments. Maybe I will start blogging those.

All in all it has been a wonderful holiday season. The girls have been so much fun and I have managed to restrain myself from my OCD tendencies and just enjoyed the girls. I have never felt more relaxed and happy. Most importantly we can not forget the real reason for Christmas! The birth of our Lord and Savior! I am so grateful for this day. We really looked at the song "O Little Town of Bethlehem" Sunday in church and well, it says it all. 

O Little Town of Bethlehem

O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting Light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight

For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love
O morning stars together
Proclaim the holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And Peace to men on earth

How silently, how silently
The wondrous gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of His heaven.
No ear may his His coming,
But in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will receive him still,
The dear Christ enters in.

O holy Child of Bethlehem
Descend to us, we pray
Cast out our sin and enter in
Be born to us today
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell
O come to us, abide with us
Our Lord Emmanuel

Hope you really took time to see what this song says. I know I was rather surprised but now it is my new favorite song. Hope you all have a blessed, stress free, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Monday, July 12, 2010

1st Grade Blues

Today I received the supply list. School starting back seems to be unavoidable. Sure most parents are looking forward to sending their kids back but not me. I am sending her back as 1st grader and that I am not ready for. I feel like I am loosing my little sweet girl and I seriously mean loosing her! She was the sweetest girl from day 1. Everyone has raved on her maturity, kind heart, and awesome behavior since she was born. Well, I am not sure if it is an age thing or what but my little angel has started changing on me. We have actually had reports from the school of direct disobedience, she also took candy when she was not supposed to, and she is lying about all of it. Is it age? Is it a girl thing? This parenting thing is rather new and I do not have much experience with this. Yes, this is me venting out my frustration. My heart has hurt for the past few weeks seeing her this way. Maybe it is her way of acting out b/c she is begging for attention. It is hard with her having to be in a summer program and our schedules have not changed. I enjoy working (I truly do) but question its affect on my children. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to just quit. Maybe a few days vacation and plan some fun things to do with my girls will cheer us all up?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pardon my progress...

That's ok, I know what you are thinking. What progress? If you did not know, I was being sarcastic. I am still not used to blogging and how to change templates, backgrounds, ect....Its hard! I can learn a new computer system in less then a week but I have a hard time trying to figure out this thing. So I guess just bare with me (all 4 of you) and I will work on it. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"The Sandlot"

What a wonderful movie about young boys and America's favorite past time. I have thought a lot about this movie and compared it with today's "real world." Oh how I wish I could have lived back in the 50's where things were not so complicated. I think I was born in the wrong decade. Yes, this is just a movie but the movie has so much truth in it. It is all about those summers you will never forget. Staying gone from sun up to sun down, just exploring everything around you. Now, my eldest child is spending her summer at school. Sure, they go swimming once a week and they take field trips to fun places but it doesn't even compare to those crazy summers. I miss this for my kids and I am sad that she will never get to experience those types of summers. I work yes, but even if I did not, what parent now lets there kids roam the town from dawn to dusk? It isn't safe anymore. I know I spent many summers with friends in the neighborhood building clubhouses in the woods, fishing in a forbidden pond w/ hot dogs, getting chased by bulls....Good times! And for awhile we had our very own Sandlot. It just makes me sad..:( Our world has changed so much since the 50's. Even down to how we discipline our children.

I have been reading a book called, Parenting by the Book. I have enjoyed the read so far and realized that I am even more old fashion then I thought. The book is simple, raise your kids according to God's word. A lot of information is taken directly from the word of God in the book of Proverbs. The moms of today seem to be drugged up with anti depressants or anxiety meds because they can not deal with their own children. Frankly, I do not want to be one of those moms who put the kids first while my relationship with God and my husband slips away. Back in the 50's advice in raising children came from Grandparents...now, it comes from the family shrink. This subject is a blog in itself so I will not go into my feelings on how society views me as a mom who is destroying my kids self esteem and ability to hold any kind of relationship when they get older. yada yada yada!

As for our world, it has been grand. Mallory graduated K5. We were so proud of her. She is reading on a 1st grade level and has been for quite awhile. She received several awards for A honor roll and honorable mention in the art show. I can not believe she is headed into 1st grade. She has done great in knowing who she is and standing up for what she knows is right. Sometimes, she knows a little too much. As for Morgan, we are working on getting her out of pull ups completely but she is persistent on pooping in a pull up. She is a character and remains head strong. She challenges me at least once a day but I know that her persistence and toughness will lead her to great things!

Until next time.....Have a wonderful summer!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Much to my disappointment, I did not stay true to any of my New Year's resolution. But, in my defense, I just wrote that last week. Or at least that is what it feels like. These past 5 months have flown by. I am already visioning Christmas at my door step. Where have the past few months gone? Oh, yes, I remember....It was spent working, cleaning, cooking, mommy world, and spent recovering from surgery. Thankfully God led me to a wonderful physician who finally found out what was going on. We are in a give and take relationship. I give him my body parts and he takes them.

God has given us many challenges this year but each and every one of them have helped us to grow together as a family. It has been fun. I look at my girls every day and thank God for the many blessings he has given us. Oh the things we take for granted. For instance, my furniture. I complain b/c I would love to have a large dining room table. But then a flood occurs and so many people are without a house. Forget table, they just want a bed. Back in January I read a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This book gave me some true conviction. I am not perfect and do not claim to have changed my life in the past 4 months but I am praying every day for God to continue to change my heart and help me be happy with everything I have. Also to give me a true heart like his and a love like his. I pray to enjoy everyday with my family and take nothing for granted. For the God of this universe is so amazing large and yet he sees me and loves me. His creation is astonishing and I never want a day to go by w/o acknowledging it and thanking him.

A part of his creation are these 2 beautiful girls that he blessed me with. Thank you God for your never ending love! I have also put a few pictures of his creation.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Start of Something New

So, as we start a new year I bid a happy farewell to 2009. It was a fun year full of new adventures. Mallory started K-5, we got another dog, a new car, still working on getting Morgan potty trained & finding out what's going on with her, and I moved to a new position at work that will hopefully give me a little more time at home. Of course, this is just to name a few. The last month of 2009 was especially busy. We had 4 Christmas progams between both girls, school, and church. It got pretty crazy around here with all of the costumes but it was well worth it. As for 2010, I am not a big "resolution' person but I think this year I might need to start. As most people, I am going to work on loosing a lot of weight. I am not just talking about few holiday pounds. I hope to be able to regain some of my figure before my 2 girls came along. If I can get remotely close, I will be thrilled! Secondly, I would love to save money, pay bills, and plan a trip to Disney this year!! WOO HOO! Lastly, more time with my kids, and waking up earlier would be great. In addition to being on time.

To all- Have a Happy 2010 and may you succeed in your New Years Resolutions!
